Launched flopped?

Hi Reader,

We’ve all been there. You work your bootie off to launch your offer.

And no matter how often you obsessively check your email or (is this just me??) the sales don’t come.

You’re not alone. It’s happened to me.

It’s happened to almost every business owner (except you’d never know judging by their Insta).

It’s easy to think:

>>> “I suck at marketing.”
>>> “Maybe the program isn’t that good?!?”
>>> “I guess people don’t want it?”

What if it’s NOT any of those things?

What if why your launch flopped came down to the subject I hated most in high school?

Geometry. MATH!

Rebel Truth: 99% of the people on your email list will never buy from you.

I know that BLOWS (but those 99% can be great supporters of your work, so love on them).

There’s something that web celebs aren’t telling you while screaming, “Stop trading hours for dollars” and “time freedom.”

When you decide to offer 1-to-many programs, your role in your business changes.

I grappled with that last year when creating The Expert Up Club.

I knew that if I launched The Club, my job would fundamentally change from a 1:1 service provider to a marketer in charge of audience growth.

It’s why I am so aggressive about audience growth this year.

The next time your launch flops, I don’t want you to blame yourself or think your program isn’t good.

Ask yourself: Is my audience the size I need to reach my launch goals?

(Quick math: Add two zeros to your launch goal, and it gives you the audience size needed. Want ten people? You need a list size of 1000.)

If no…

Ask yourself: Do you want your primary job in your business to be a marketer in charge of audience growth?

If yes, get yourself a strategy to make it happen (I can help you with that in The Expert Up Club).

If not, it’s time to rethink your business model!

Yours in rebellion,

P.S. Invaluable resource alert if you launch:

My friend, Brenna McGowan, is hosting Behind the Launch.

It's your chance to eavesdrop on private conversations and uncover revenue-generating insights behind the successful launches of top marketing pros.

I guarantee you’ll walk away with several actionable and helpful ideas for your launch.

Check it out here. (It’s f-r-e-e and so helpful).

Here's How We Can Make Marketing Suck Less Together:

  1. Want personalized marketing & messaging support tailored to your business? Whether you want to grow your audience or fill up your 1:1 roster, The Expert Up Club supports you to create demand for your work and expertise while marketing less. Interested? Get all the details and book your private tour!
  2. Book a one-off 60-minute BOLD Messaging session with me. We will transform your message from “meh” to bold, clear, compelling messaging and copy that your audience will act on. Book it here (five sessions are available for Q2).
  3. Newish to business & need to get clear on your message? The 3 Word Rebellion book is the perfect place to start getting clarity on your message, who you serve, and how to take a strong stand so your business gets noticed. Grab your copy here.

New On The Pod: Do You Feel Expert Enough?

Expertise is a Journey, not a Destination

Despite years of experience, education, and certifications, it can be easy to feel like you're not an expert.

It's normal because there's a fundamental misunderstanding about what being an expert means. What is it?

Dr. Michelle Mazur

Message Strategist & Founder of The Expert Up Club

Podcast / 3 Word Rebellion Book

Make Marketing Suck Less

Cut through the cookie-cutter marketing bs with research-backed strategies that actually work for your solo business.​ Delivered once a week, because you've got a business to run.

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