⚡️And it only took 21 months

Read in Browser | Word Count: 536 | Time to Read: 2.14 minutes

Hi Reader,

Here's the dirty little secret about creating a new offer that nobody talks about:

The hard part isn't creating the offer.

The hard part is figuring out how to market and sell it after it exists.

I get why "experts" don't tell you this truth.

Because "Create your signature offer in 4 weeks... then spend 21 months figuring out how to market and sell it" is a terrible value proposition.

Every single time I've created something new – whether it was the 3 Word Rebellion or The Expert Up Club – my first thought after finishing was:

"Shit. Now I've got to figure out how to market and sell this."

It's a process. Full of peaks and valleys.


The first launch is typically FIRE (especially if you’ve got product-market fit).

Raving fans buy. You’re feeling good because people are getting results.

But by launch #2, #3, or #4? Things seem to fizzle out. You’re selling less (or maybe not at all).

When you hit that valley, the doubts creep in:

  • Maybe the offer isn't as good as you thought
  • Maybe people don't want it
  • Maybe you suck
  • Or maybe... you just haven't figured out how to message, market, and sell it yet

(Psst. That last one? That's usually it.)

It’s going to be tempting to abandon the offer and create something new.

But please don’t.

While it’s fun to create a new offer, and the first launch will go great (again)…you’ll find yourself in the same place.


Case in point: I just wrapped the latest Expert Up Club launch, and for the first time, I'm killing it:

  • My emails are on point
  • I booked 13 private tours (the most ever)
  • My sales page is doing its job
  • My private tours are converting at about 70%

Want to know how long it took to get here?

21 months.

Read that again: Twenty. One. Months.

I'm not telling you this to brag or hit you with the "if I can do it, you can too!" nonsense.

I'm telling you because figuring out how to market and sell an offer is a big old puzzle with multiple pieces that need to fit together.

It’s going to take time to piece it together.

Over the next few weeks (minus the Christmas shenanigans), I'm going to break down the puzzle pieces I had to solve:

  1. How to figure out how to sell your offer (because there's no point in marketing if your sales process is a hot mess)
  2. How to get people to know about it (that pesky audience growth piece)
  3. What to do with people once they're in your world (the nurturing piece I'm still actively figuring out)
  4. The messaging that ties it all together (which, fun fact, is hard even when you do messaging for a living)

So, if you haven't cracked the code on marketing and selling your offer yet – breathe.

It's figureoutable. It will take time. It will take experimentation.

But you've got this. And I've got your back.

Yours in rebellion,

P.S. If this resonates with you, hit reply and let me know which puzzle piece you're struggling with most. I'd love to know because it makes us feel less alone.

Get Your Expert Marketing Message Done in 2 Weeks (No More Guessing What to Say)

Finally, know exactly what to say to get your ideal clients to work with you!

In just 2 weeks, you'll get a complete, expertly-crafted marketing message that makes selling your services easier.

No more second-guessing your words or wasting time on marketing that doesn't work.

Perfect for established business owners ready to turn their expertise into clear, compelling marketing that consistently fills their client roster.

Get the details & book your consult here.

Now Booking for 2025!

What's Up?

Second Week of March 2025


What I'm Working On

Marketing message guides for my clients.

BTW, I'll be sunsetting my standalone 1:1 work soon.

Want to work with me? Go here.


What's Happening

Season 3 of Make Marketing Suck Less is HAPPENING NOW

Grab your virtual ticket before the party ends.


What I'm Loving

Needing a dose of creative juice?

These cards are awesome for when you're feeling stuck.

Dr. Michelle Mazur

Message Strategist & Founder of The Expert Up Club

Podcast / 3 Word Rebellion Book

Make Marketing Suck Less

Cut through the cookie-cutter marketing bs with research-backed strategies that actually work for your solo business.​ Delivered once a week, because you've got a business to run.

Read more from Make Marketing Suck Less

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