Read in Browser | Word Count: 432 | Time to Read: 1.49 minutes Hi Reader, I've been saying this a lot lately to members of The Expert Up Club, and maybe you need to hear it too... Marketing can never capture all that you are capable of. (And frankly, that's not marketing's job.) Marketing's one job is to open a door, make an invitation, and entice people to take one step further in understanding how you can help them. ****** Let me tell you about my friend and client, Jeff Felton. When I first discovered Jeff, he was "The Welcome Sequence Guy." A friend recommended him. I immediately followed Jeff on threads, opted into his newsletter, and a couple of months later, I bought his welcome sequence product. Do you know why I did this? Because welcome sequences are the bane of my existence, and he's THE guy. But then he did what most experts do... He started diluting his messaging around being "the welcome sequence guy" and became the “all things email guy.” Because here's a secret about Jeff: He's not just great at welcome sequences. He's also a genius at email marketing strategy, orchestrating launches, crafting post-purchase sequences that keep clients coming back, and creating newsletters that people actually read and buy from. But when we worked together in a BOLD Messaging Session, I noticed he was walking away from the very messaging that got him on my radar (which is what experts often do because they can bring so much). When Jeff started to branch out, his message became unclear about how to work with him. So, I encouraged him to zoom back in on being "The Welcome Sequence Guy." Because marketing isn't about wowing people with everything you can do. It's about inviting them through one clear door, then surprising and delighting them with all you can do once they're inside. ****** This is exactly why the Offer phase of the GEO framework is so crucial. Your job isn't to document every detail of your process or every capability. Your job is:
Then, you get to blow their mind with how much more you bring to the table. Make them feel like the smartest person in the world for working with you. So next time you're tempted to explain every facet of your work, remember Jeff, The Welcome Sequence Guy. Pick your door, make it clear, then let your full expertise unfold once they step through. Yours in rebellion, P.S. Struggling to find your "one clear door"? Let's tackle it together in a BOLD Messaging Sesh. Tired of struggling with your message?Let Me Create It For You In my Done-For-You Marketing Message service, we'll create a comprehensive marketing message that makes your case and leads people straight to your offer. And for February only, you can save $250 off the regular investment. Want to see if it's right for you? Check out the details & book a call here and we'll map out your message together.
Cut through the cookie-cutter marketing bs with research-backed strategies that actually work for your solo business. Delivered once a week, because you've got a business to run.
Read in Browser | Word Count: 381 | Time to Read: 1.37 minutes Hi Reader, So your offer was selling like gangbusters, then slowly it peters out. Inquiries slow to a trickle. People stopped booking consults. Your once-full wait list looks like a ghost town. Your first instinct? Blame the offer. There must be something wrong with it! "I need to revamp this thing or add Voxer support" or worse, "Time to create something brand new!" Stop right there. If you've sold your offer to at least 5...
Read in Browser | Word Count: 427 | Time to Read: 1.44 minutes Hi Reader, Years ago, when I first started my business, a marketing mansplainer well-intentioned businessman said, "I wouldn't use Dr. Michelle Mazur if I were you. You're going to intimidate people." You know what I felt? SHAME. Something that I worked so hard for and that only 1% of people in the US achieve isn't a benefit - but a liability. Something to hide. Something to run away from. I think because we receive the message...
Read in Browser | Word Count: 528 | Time to Read: 2.10 minutes Hi Reader, Rebel truth: 95% of the people who discover your business aren't ready to work with you…yet! Surprise! You do all this work to get the word out about your business, and grow your audience. Then, once you FINALLY have someone's attention...they're not ready to hire you. And you know what? That's absolutely normal! ***** If you've been following along, you know we've been breaking down the GEO framework – the three jobs...